Are you up for receiving some free baby samples? Well, the good news is that Ireland residents can claim all sorts of pregnancy and baby products – without paying a single cent.
With everything from a useful mum-to-be pack to free samples and other baby items, there’s lots of free stuff up for grabs when you know where to look.
So why do companies want to give you a free gift bag for you, or a baby box for the little one?
Well, baby freebies allow you to sample what’s out there.
If you like a product that you were given, then baby brands know that you might end up buying it throughout your baby’s life.
If you want some free baby samples, Ireland residents have plenty to pick from. So you can save money while finding out which products suit you best. What’s not to love?
All the essentials you’ll need when having a baby cost money, and companies are competing for a slice of that (cutie) pie. But of course, grabbing a completely free item doesn’t mean there’s any obligation to buy!
This complete guide to baby goodies you can get for free includes all the options you need to know about.
Read on so you can bag some freebies from baby clubs, Bounty packs and much more!
Free Baby Samples Ireland: The Ultimate Guide
Here’s where you can get free baby samples. Ireland residents who are about to become parents have never had it so good!
1. Everymum Gift Bag
Every Irish parent-to-be can claim their Everymum gift bag. This one’s been going strong for over a decade.
It includes lots of practical goodies like baby wipes, luxury toiletries – and the sweetest little tub of Sudocrem you’ll ever see!
Sign up with everymum to claim your free gift bag.
2. Bounty Baby Packs (NI Only)
Mums-to-be in Ireland can claim a free Bounty baby pack. You can collect these packs for free, beginning before the baby is born.
So you might be able to pack some of the contents into your hospital bag, ready for the big day (or night).
You can claim via the Bounty Pregnancy and Baby app, or find out more here first.
Update: They no longer produce the Mum-to-Be pack. Instead, they opt to provide hospitals with Child Benefit literature to pass on to new mums and create more value for our mums via the Bounty App.
3. Emma’s Diary Pack (NI Only)
For those in the UK and Ireland alike, signing up with Emma’s Diary is a no-brainer! As with Bounty, you get several packs full of free stuff.
Many of these are free samples that are perfect to try out or carry around on a daily basis.
You can also access practical advice via the Emma’s Diary app, such as breastfeeding or weaning tips, guides on safe sleep and more. Special coupons for great discounts are also part of the package.
4. BabyDoc Box
The BabyDoc Box is available to all who sign up for BabyDoc Club. What’s in the box has a value of up to €50, so it can be well worth it.
You can choose between a pregnant to six months box and a six months plus box.
There is a snag with this one, however. Unless you’re selected as one of a limited number each quarter, you’ll need to pay €9. 15 for the postage.
You can take a look at what was inside the most recent boxes to work out if it’s worth it. Do this on the BabyDoc website.
5. Boots Parenting Club – Free Gift
Sign up with the Boots Parenting Club and you can get a free gift.
At the time of writing, this was a full-sized Aveeno Baby Daily Care 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner worth around €5.
There are other advantages too. You also get 8 points per €1 spent on baby products.
The free gifts keep on coming at key developmental stages, too. And you’ll receive exclusive offers via the Boots app, and have access to expert parenting advice.
6. MAM Baby Club – Test Products and Win Prizes
Join the MAM baby club, and you could get more than a few free samples. Members may be asked to test products before anyone else does.
Meaning you get an exclusive preview, plus the chance to influence product development and marketing.
MAM members also get a newsletter and can enter product giveaways to win all sorts of prizes.
7. C&G Baby Club Ireland
Cow and Gate have its very own baby club for Irish parents. Join the Baby Club for free and you can access one-to-one support via their Careline.
You’ll also get weekly emails containing advice, offers and what to expect at each stage.
8. SMA Baby Club
SMA also has a club, and theirs is exclusively for Ireland and UK residents.
The best incentive for joining is the chance to win vouchers worth up to £1,000 – which will buy you even more in Euros!
That’s the baby clothes for a few years sorted – plus a changing mat or twenty.
SMA members also get access to a 24/7 Careline, personalised emails, plus discounts and offer that are only for members.
You can also use their exercise and wellness plans, and they also provide helpful checklists and tools.
9. Pampers Club app – Free Nappies (NI Only)
Download the Pampers Club app to your device and you can claim free packs of nappies! How it works is this.
For every 10 packs of nappies you buy, Pampers will give you one completely free.
Just remember to record your purchases in the app, and for every 10 packs, you’ll get the 11th for nothing. It’s a good offer.
Take it from the Mum’s Money team – once your baby is born, it won’t take long to get through 10 packs of Pampers nappies!
10. Pura Nappies – Free Trial Pack (NI Only)
If you want to get your mitts on some free samples, then one of the baby brands offering this is Pura Nappies.
They will send you a full-size pack of their nappies, so you get a lot more than with some other baby freebies.
There is a catch, though. You need to pay the postage.
So whether or not you can save money depends on how much you could buy that pack of nappies for. Check out this offer here.
11. Bear Paws Height Chart
Bear Paws make tasty, fruit snacks filled with goodness for growing kids.
Though your baby might not be tucking into these for quite some time yet, there’s no reason why you can’t sign up for a free height chart right now!
Anyone living in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland can apply. Simply fill out a form and wait for it to arrive on your doormat.
You will need a receipt from buying a pack of Bear Paws. As they’re a yummy snack for your older kids or even yourself, that’s not too tricky to supply.
Or you could perhaps ask a friend who already buys them for their child.
12. Maternity Benefit
Sometimes you need more than a few baby freebies to get by, which is where Maternity Benefit comes in.
This covers both employed and self-employed mums, as long as you begin your period of maternity leave at least a fortnight before your baby is due.
The cost of this is covered by Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI), also known as social insurance.
Maternity Benefit can be paid for 26 weeks – or six months. If you already receive welfare payments, Maternity Benefit may be paid at half rate.
13. Child Benefit
As soon as your baby is born, you’ll become eligible for Child Benefit too.
Payments start at the beginning of the month after your child is born. You then receive this until the child reaches the age of 16.
For multiple births – such as twins – Child Benefit will be paid at a higher rate.
Don’t forget to claim – the form will be sent automatically after you give birth.
You can buy a lot of baby products with that money over the years – not to mention stuff such as shoes for growing kids and teens!
14. The Maternity and Infant Care Scheme
Even if you don’t have a GP visit card or medical card, you’re entitled to access The Maternity and Infant Care Scheme in Ireland.
GPs don’t need to belong to the medical card scheme to take part. You should be ordinarily resident in Ireland to qualify.
Your care will be provided by a GP plus a maternity hospital or unit. You can apply via the GP when your pregnancy is confirmed.
Once you’re eligible, you also become entitled to free hospital and emergency care that relates to your pregnancy and birth, without paying any hospital charges.
Free Baby Samples Ireland FAQs
How do I claim my Lidl baby box?
Unfortunately, the Lidl baby box is no longer available. Nor is the Aldi baby box. The Baby Box University programme has also ended.
The good news, though, is that you can still get lots of free baby gift packs and other goodies in Ireland via Everymum, Emma’s Diary, BabyDoc and many more.
How do I get a free baby box in Ireland?
Expectant parents resident in Ireland can get a free baby box via BabyDoc. The contents of the box are worth up to €50, so it can be well worth paying the postage fee involved.
Other organisations offering freebies and other ways to save money include Emma’s Diary, Everymum and the baby clubs offered by Boots, Cow and Gate, MAM and more.
How to get free baby samples in the mail?
If you fancy getting free baby samples through the post, you can sign up for various websites and apps.
Usually, this means you need to fill in a simple form – including details of yourself and any children – before getting a bundle of free stuff for babies and pregnant mums.
The kind of things you’ll get may be suitable for mums, a newborn, or older babies and children.
At the very least, you’ll often also get a money-off voucher or two, and/or free entry to competitions and giveaways.
Helpful parenting advice and telephone Carelines may also be accessed when you join some baby clubs.
Which Free Baby Samples in Ireland will you get?
When it comes to buying for babies, don’t – at least until you’ve found out about all the freebies you can try out first.
Brands are keen to reel you in and are prepared to provide you with free wipes, nappies, toiletries, coupons and a whole lot more to achieve that aim.
It doesn’t take long to fill in a form or download an app, so if you’re an expectant mum with time to do that, what do you have to lose?
From newborn essentials to things that will fulfil your baby’s needs or even pamper you, why not try getting some free stuff, a sample or at least some money-off coupons before you buy?
Have we missed any baby freebies? Let us know in the comments and we will update the post.
hi, number 2 and 3 don’t work in Ireland
Thanks Hannah, have edited for NI only.